Win this!
or me!
(not the capital)
Sydney - Snapshots
This is considered a souvenir. But check out the price! How much is it in the supermarket you go to?
Crazy price! I discovered there's a medium sized tin...I'm getting one on the way back! (Silly price I know!)
Have these made it into NZ yet? They are gorgeous! I'll get one as a spot prize on the way back...
Get this! There's banana flavoured honey, chilly flavoured honey, and strawberry, lemon and vanilla. I got some for the host I'm staying with in Singapore.
Dried Crocodile meat is available and also Emu Jerky - dried Emu. Wow!
These are so cute - honey in long sachet-like-sticks.
An 8 hour flight - to a place that's 4 hours behind NZ.
This was so cute! Not chocolate covered, just half white and half pink, tasting of banana and pineapple. It was awesome!
I arrived at 5pm Sinagapore time, which was 9pm New Zealand time. 12 hours in the air...4 hours at airports.